What Does The Number On A Golf Ball Mean
Have you seen different numbers on a golf ball? What does the number on a golf ball mean?
The number on a golf ball is simply a way for golfers to identify the ball. Most of the time, the number will be between 1 and 4, but some companies offer high numbers in the 5-8. Sometimes golfers have different golf balls with different markings, but the number is for a situation when golfers play the same brand.
For example if two golfers are playing a Titleist golf ball, they will probably have different numbers, like Titleist 1 and Titleist 3, it's pretty easy to see who is playing which ball.
However, there are times when golfers could both be playing a Titleist 2, and it gets confusing to figure out which golf ball is which. This is why many players add an additional marking to their golf ball to make it stand out.