Golf Madness Blog

TOP 5 Golf Tips For Seniors - The Only 5 Tips You'll Ever Need golf practice golf strategy golf tips

You've probably searched all over the internet for the best golf tips for seniors. Well, let me reassure you—your search ends here. If you're a senior golfer, you already know that with time, you need...

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What Causes A Slice In Golf With Your Driver? + QUICK FIX golf practice golf tips

There's a most common miss in recreational golf - the slice! Chances are you are slicing the ball and you're wondering what causes a slice in golf, especially with your driver. Well, you're not alone....

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How Do I Get Better At Hitting Greens? golf practice golf strategy

Let me tell you, if you're wondering:"How do I get better at hitting greens" you are not alone. 90% of the golfers out there ask the same question. But don't worry, there's a simple solution. Let's fi...

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3 Most Important Golf Shots To Practice golf practice

I think we can all agree that golf is tough and that you never have enough time or energy to practice EVERYTHING. This is why I gathered 3 most important golf shots to practice. These 3 shots are my p...

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How To Get Better At Golf Without Lessons golf practice

When golfers go for a golf lesson, they are typically looking for a few things. The first is an identification of the problem in the golf game, and the second is a solution. If you are looking at how ...

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How Often Should You Play Golf to Improve? golf practice

The questions, “how often should you play golf to improve” and “how often should you practice golf to improve” are closely related. After all, if you aren’t doing one at the course, you’re doing the o...

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How Do You Stop Three Putting In Golf - Top 7 Tips golf practice golf tips

If you’re a golfer, then you’ll know all too well about the agony of three-putting and what it can do to your round. You could be on the verge of a personal best score, but a three putt on the final g...

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Is it OK to Play Golf Every Day? golf practice golf related

Is it ok to play golf every day? Short answer is: Yes, it is okay to play golf every day! There’s nothing inherently wrong with it. But that statement is not without a few caveats. Playing golf every ...

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How Often Should A Beginner Golfer Practice? golf practice golf tips

When you first start playing the game of golf, it can get overwhelming. In addition to finding time to play on the course, you will be encouraged to practice as well. Some players are naturally driven...

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How Can I Practice Putting At Home? golf practice golf tips

Putting is, without a doubt, the most important part of the golf game. A few days ago a friend asked me: "How can I practice putting at home?"

If you want to choose one thing to work on this year to ...

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Golf Slice vs. Hook. Which is better and WHY? golf practice golf related

When golfers hit their tee shot, there are typically three ball flight patterns to expect. These include a straight shot, a slice, and a hook. Of course, there are variations like the fade and the dra...

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23 Short Golf Tips On Chipping golf practice golf tips

Chips are short shots, but are crucial to keeping your overall score low. I gathered 23 short tips on chipping so you can find the best ones that suit you and improve your chipping.

In most cases, yo...

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22 Quick Golf Putting Secrets golf practice golf tips

Golf putting is the most important skill in the game. Putting can be the difference between shooting a 105 and a 99 or an 81 and a 78. There are many quick golf putting secrets, and sometimes all it t...

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Most Important Golf Shots To Practice - My TOP 9 List golf practice golf tips

There's no such thing as a magic stick to improve your scores, but there's definitely a correct way to practice for a maximum improvement by going to the driving range and invest your time in most imp...

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