Golf Madness Blog

5 MAIN Reasons Why Golf Warmup is Really Important golf warm-up

If you are one of those golfers running out to the first tee without leaving any time for warming up, you may want to reconsider. There are some really important benefits to warming up prior to a roun...

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4 SIMPLE TIPS On How To Prevent Golf Injuries golf fitness golf warm-up

If you thought a rainy day put a damper on your golf game, an injury is a considerably worse issue to have to deal with. Injuries can not only be season-ending they can be career ending for a golfer. ...

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OUCH! These Are The Most Common Golf Injuries golf fitness golf warm-up

When you compare golf to sports like football and hockey, it may seem like a relatively danger free sport. Although itโ€™s true that golf does not promote too many chances of getting hurt, there are tim...

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Why Is My Back Sore After Golf? golf fitness golf warm-up

Have you ever come home from a round of golf and felt as though your back was incredibly sore? If you have, you are not alone. A golfer's back is a prime spot for injury and can create many problems f...

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Should You Warm Up Before Golf? golf warm-up

Warming up before a round of golf is very important. Warming up can include stretching, as well as hitting golf balls. Doing this before a round of golf helps to prepare you for the game you are about...

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Does Stretching Improve Golf? golf fitness golf warm-up

If you listen to fitness and exercise specialists, they almost all agree that stretching improves golf. However, golfers can be skeptical about the importance of stretching and whether or not it actua...

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How Many Balls Should I Hit Before a Round of Golf? golf fitness golf warm-up

Golfers that warm-up prior to a round of golf are often afraid they are going to get tired before they head to the first tee. Depending on your handicap level, physical stamina, and golf handicap, you...

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