Golf Madness Blog

What Makes A Good Golf Course golf related

Do you have a favorite golf course? Sometimes it is interesting to consider what makes this course your favorite and why it stands out as being better than others around you. What makes a good golf co...

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What Is A Good Percentage of Fairways Hit? golf tips

Keep track of fairways hit if you want to narrow down the issues in your golf game and why your scoring may not be exactly what you need it to be. Here is a general idea as to what the fairway hit per...

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How To Hit More Fairways - 4 Best Tips golf tips

Hitting the fairway can get you off to a great start on a hole, and ensuring that you hit the fairway can help give you a chance of making a par on the hole. Let’s take a look at some of our best tips...

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4 SIMPLE TIPS On How To Prevent Golf Injuries golf fitness golf warm-up

If you thought a rainy day put a damper on your golf game, an injury is a considerably worse issue to have to deal with. Injuries can not only be season-ending they can be career ending for a golfer. ...

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OUCH! These Are The Most Common Golf Injuries golf fitness golf warm-up

When you compare golf to sports like football and hockey, it may seem like a relatively danger free sport. Although it’s true that golf does not promote too many chances of getting hurt, there are tim...

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Golf Strategy And Course Management Tips For Left Handers golf course management golf strategy

Although you may not think of it this way, left-handed golfers have to view the golf course in an entirely different way. Here are a few of the best course management tips for left handers that are tr...

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How Do I Get Better At Golf Course Management?  golf course management

Golf course management can make or break a round. Most amateur golfers focus more of their attention on hitting long and straight shots than on the idea of learning to play a golf course the right way...

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Senior Golf Distance Chart - How Far Should A Senior Hit A Golf Ball? golf related

Distance can become a major issue for senior players. Some senior golfers start to lose distance around the age of 65-70 years. There are some great things senior golfers can do to help encourage grea...

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How Often Should You Play Golf to Improve? golf practice

The questions, “how often should you play golf to improve” and “how often should you practice golf to improve” are closely related. After all, if you aren’t doing one at the course, you’re doing the o...

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How Do You Stop Three Putting In Golf - Top 7 Tips golf practice golf tips

If you’re a golfer, then you’ll know all too well about the agony of three-putting and what it can do to your round. You could be on the verge of a personal best score, but a three putt on the final g...

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Factors That Determine How Long Golf Takes To Play golf related

Golf is a great sport to play for many reasons, but it can also be a sport that takes up a lot of time. This is why lots of people want to know how long golf takes to play.

First off, it depends whet...

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Why Is My Back Sore After Golf? golf fitness golf warm-up

Have you ever come home from a round of golf and felt as though your back was incredibly sore? If you have, you are not alone. A golfer's back is a prime spot for injury and can create many problems f...

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Why is Course Management Important in Golf? golf course management

First off, there are lots of little things we can do to improve as golfers. You can practice more, you can focus on fine-tuning certain areas of the game, you could simply play more golf, the list goe...

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Should You Warm Up Before Golf? golf warm-up

Warming up before a round of golf is very important. Warming up can include stretching, as well as hitting golf balls. Doing this before a round of golf helps to prepare you for the game you are about...

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What Is A Good Number Of Putts For 18 holes? golf related

Like all players out there, you’ve probably walked off the golf course and rued your putting. Maybe you’ve blamed not breaking your personal best on missing too many putts, or maybe it’s just that you...

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Percentage of Golfers That Break 70 golf related

Most golfers only dream of being able to break 70. Breaking 70 requires a great deal of precision and a strong work ethic. You will have to be a very accomplished athlete and player to be able to brea...

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Does Stretching Improve Golf? golf fitness golf warm-up

If you listen to fitness and exercise specialists, they almost all agree that stretching improves golf. However, golfers can be skeptical about the importance of stretching and whether or not it actua...

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Golf Strategy Tips For Mid Handicappers golf strategy

Mid handicappers make up the largest population of golfers and are those that shoot anywhere from 80 to 90. Golf strategy tends to be one of the things that mid handicappers struggle with the most. So...

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How Long Does it Take to Play 18 Holes?  golf related

For many golfers, especially those just getting into the game, 9 holes is enough. But for those who just can’t get enough, or want to spend as much time as possible on the course improving, 18-holes i...

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How Many Balls Should I Hit Before a Round of Golf? golf fitness golf warm-up

Golfers that warm-up prior to a round of golf are often afraid they are going to get tired before they head to the first tee. Depending on your handicap level, physical stamina, and golf handicap, you...

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Golf Course Management vs. Golf Strategy golf course management golf strategy

Golf course management and golf strategy are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, when you break down the specifics of golf course management and golf strategy, they are two very differ...

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How Long Does it Take to Play 9 Holes? golf related

When it comes to playing golf, depending on the courses available to you, you typically have two choices. You can play 9 holes, or you can play 18 holes. Nine holes is often the preferred option for t...

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Percentage of Golfers That Break 100 golf related

One of the rights of passage of a new golfer is when they learn to break 100. Breaking 100 is not as easy of a task as it may sound, and many people consider you a real golfer when you break 100. Of c...

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Percentage of Golfers That Break 90 golf related

Breaking 90 is one of the best feeling accomplishments in the game of golf. Seeing that 89 or 88 on the scorecard feels completely different than a 94. Breaking 80 can be difficult, and it requires a ...

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